A presentation and discussion on a geospatial analysis in support of the New York City Mayor’s Office of Climate Resiliency
The Center for Resilient Cities and Landscapes has partnered with the New York City Mayor's Office of Climate Resiliency to develop a tool to communicate how climate change is affecting New York City's neighborhoods and illustrate how adaptation strategies and policies could work on the ground in varying contexts relatable to our diverse population. We hope this tool creates space for open expression and debate to advance collective climate action within communities, government agencies, and other partners throughout the City.
In this presentation, Research Scholar Grga Basic will present a first phase of this work, an effort to classify New York City's geography into Neighborhood Adaptation Models, neighborhood types based on their biophysical and social characteristics relating to capacity to adapt to environmental hazards. Former Fulbright Fellow Juliana Velez Duque will present initial research which reviewed communications tools for recent climate adaptation strategies, and recommended an approach that centers vulnerability rather than hazard.