Johanna Lovecchio joins CRCL

May 01, 2018

CRCL is thrilled to welcome Johanna Lovecchio as Associate Director.

Johanna Lovecchio is the Associate Director of the Center for Resilient Cities and Landscapes (CRCL). She manages CRCL’s strategic programmatic portfolio, organizational operations, and implementation of its pioneering Resilience Accelerator program in close partnership with 100 Resilient Cities.

Prior to joining CRCL, Johanna worked as a project manager at HR&A Advisors, where she scaled resilience capacity-building models, including the National Disaster Resilience Competition and Global Resilience Academy programs, developed city- and district-wide climate adaptation plans, and supported the design and evaluation of transformational urban resilience infrastructure investments. As City Planner at the New York City Department of City Planning, in support of the New York State Brownfield Opportunity Area Program, she researched the historical context, neighborhood land use and socio-economic conditions, and planning opportunities in post-industrial, waterfront communities impacted by Hurricane Sandy. Johanna holds a Masters of Urban Planning from the Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service and dual Bachelor of Arts degrees in Environmental Studies and Metropolitan Studies from the New York University College of Arts and Sciences.

Johanna's Profile